SE Information Bulletin: Smoke from prescribed burn to be seen near Crawford Bay

or Immediate Release 2017FLNR0112-001229 June 5, 2017 Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations BC Wildfire Service INFORMATION BULLETIN Smoke from prescribed burn to be seen near Crawford Bay CASTLEGAR – BC Wildfire Service personnel will be conducting a prescribed burn in the Hooker Creek area (about nine kilometres east of Crawford Bay) during […]

Update on Kootenay Lake level, June 2017

Due to reduced natural inflows over the weekend, weather returning to seasonal levels this week, and a delay to flow increases from Libby Dam, the updated forecast for Kootenay Lake peak levels have improved since last week’s forecast. FortisBC is advising local residents that Kootenay Lake levels are expected to increase to 1752 ft. at […]

Declaration of Spring Rise Public Notice

FortisBC is advising local residents that Kootenay Lake levels are expected to exceed 1752 ft. at Queen’s Bay by the end of May, and, depending on weather conditions, may reach up to 1754 ft. under the worst inflow scenario. There is a risk of flooding in some areas. In 2012, Kootenay Lake peaked at 1753.87 […]


A pink card directing Riondel residents to contact the Water Smart Ambassador for the 2017 year was mistakenly included in the recent mail out of water bills.  This program will not be available in Riondel this year.  With the recent, substantial increase in local water rates the Commission of Management could not justify the extra […]

Election Officials Wanted

As the provincial election draws nearer our recruiting efforts are in full swing. I would like to enlist your help to identify potential election officials in your area. I have attached a poster advertising election official positions. I ask that you post this in a high traffic area in your community. Interested persons should fill […]