FortisBC is advising local residents that Kootenay Lake levels are expected to exceed 1752 ft. at Queen’s Bay by the end of May, and, depending on weather conditions, may reach up to 1754 ft. under the worst inflow scenario. There is a risk of flooding in some areas. In 2012, Kootenay Lake peaked at 1753.87 feet on July 3.

Please be advised that during this time, lake levels are predominately driven by natural inflows as a result of melting snow pack and precipitation, and the natural outflow constriction at Grohman narrows. In order to help mitigate peak lake levels, FortisBC has been operating the Kootenay River system at the maximum discharge since early March and will continue to do so until after the lake peaks.

For information on Kootenay Lake levels, flood safety or current and forecast levels, visit or call 1-866-436-7847 Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.


For information on emergency flood preparedness, contact your local authorities or visit the Emergency Management BC website at