News, events and notices
Emergency Preparedness Links
RDCK Emergency Management main webpage with links to all of our information and tools across all four segments of emergency management: preparedness, mitigation, response and
Updated: Commission Meetings – Public Access
The Riondel Commission of Management meetings will be moving forward on a different platform. Beginning Tuesday March 2, 2021, the Commission meetings will be held
Community Centre Opening
We are excited to announce that we are opening our Community Centre building for library services and authorized community user groups. We encourage members of
Water Quality Advisory Rescinded
Effective: February 10th, 2020 Water Quality Advisory Rescinded for the Riondel Water System The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) is pleased to announce that
Mainroad Winter 2019 Operations Resources
To help our Service Area communities Shift Into Winter, we’d like to share several winter operations related communication resources – please feel free to publish