Dear Kootenay Lakes Customers ,

FortisBC is advising customers that the Kootenay Lake Board of Control has
declared that the spring rise has begun as of April 25, 2018. Please be
advised that during this time, Kootenay Lake levels are predominately driven by
natural inflows as a result of melting snow pack and precipitation, and are
subject to sudden, large increases. In order to help mitigate peak lake
levels, FortisBC has been operating the Kootenay River system at the maximum
discharge since early March and will continue to do so until after the lake

Kootenay lake is currently at 1740.1 feet at Queen’s Bay, and is forecast to
rise to 1745.0 feet by May 5. Due to the current snow pack conditions there is
an elevated risk of the lake peaking above 1752 ft at Queens Bay.

For information on Kootenay Lake levels, flood safety or current and forecast
levels, visit
or call 1-866-436-7847 Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.

For information on emergency flood preparedness, contact your local authorities
or visit the Emergency Management BC website at