Join Kathy Wade and Kacy MacKinnon,
fourth-year nursing students at Selkirk College/University of Victoria for this
All Ages Public Forum to discuss Intergenerational Health and Happiness.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
3:30 – 5:00 PM
at the Crawford Bay School,
Performance Space.
The two have been working in partnership with the East Shore Kootenay Lake Community Health Society to develop multi-generational programming on the East Shore.
The purpose of this health initiative is to create and strengthen
intergenerational relationships for all interested community members.
Intergenerational relationships benefit the health and well being of all ages.
During the event, they will be presenting key research findings and
our ideas towards developing multigenerational programs.
They will also discuss similar programs running in other communities
and how they are successful.
The primary goal of this event is to gather insight, ideas and/or concerns from audience members, to best gauge their interests in developing an intergenerational program on the East Shore.
Healthy snacks and beverages will be provided.
We encourage all community members, of all ages, to attend!